Electronic Cigarette


I've tried & tested over 15 different makes & models.

Here is my TOP + coupon codes I've found.


#1 V2 Cigs

America's #1 electronic cigarette with over 1.000.000 satisfied customers.


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#2 Vapor Couture (Women Special)


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Use Discount Code "deep" For 10% Off

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Can you get a free electronic cigarette?

I have done some research on this and the answer is – yes, there are some places where you can get a free electronic cigarette.

Sometimes they call it a water vapor cigarette, smokeless cigarette or electric cigarette or e cigarette. It's all the same – an electronic cigarette.

The only problem is that these offers often quickly disappear because the supplies are limited and demand for electronic cigarettes has vastly increased during the last few years.

Anyhow, I have set up a file where I'll be adding and updating all recent free e cigarette offers. Click the link below to see if there are any currently available. If there is, be quick and reserve your free e cigarette kit before it's gone. If there isn't – wait a few days and check back as I'm constantly looking for new smokeless cigarette offers and adding them to the file.

Click Here To See If There Is A Free Electronic Cigarette Available!

Filed under Electronic Cigarette by on . 28 Comments#


An interesting article was just posted in Huffington Post about tax dollars and how to use them to help people quit smoking.

In short, clinically proven methods like nicotine replacement therapy don't often work while using electronic cigarettes has much greater success rate but doctors are hesitant to suggest them because they are not clinically proven yet.

Here are the most interesting highlights from this article:

With the Supreme Court's ruling on the Affordable Care Act behind us, we will need to focus on its implementation and how our health care dollars are best used.

The public health campaign against tobacco products reduced smoking rates by one-half over the 40 years between 1965 and 2004, from 42.4 percent of Americans over 18 years old to 20.9 percent. Since then, however, the smoking rate has held steady nationwide, at about 19 percent, proving more stubborn and resistant to decrease.

The current standard public health approach to help smokers is to provide free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) through telephone call centers or "quitlines." However, recent studies have highlighted the limits of giving out nicotine patches and gum as a stand-alone approach, even when it includes minimal telephone counseling. NRT does what it does well: easing the physical symptoms of quitting when they are present. However, it was never designed to be a complete cure-all or to bear the entire burden of quitting, especially for hard-core smokers. Clearly, many smokers who struggle to quit need more than NRT alone, but what?

"Harm reductionists" assert that people who can't quit on their own, or with presumed "ineffective" methods such as NRT, should be encouraged to switch to less risky tobacco products like smokeless tobacco (ST) or other smokeless products such as e-cigarettes. Unlike NRT, these products are not subject to safety or quality control standards, which puts health care clinicians ("first do no harm") who might want to recommend them in an ethical bind.

Quitting smoking, even later in life, is associated with greater independence, a longer active life span, less disability and fewer doctor's visits. Despite all the differences people may have about how to get there, one thing is clear: Quitting smoking produces a good return on investment indeed.

I got to agree with the last paragraph – no matter what way you choose, it's worth it try quitting. why not give electronic cigarettes a try as a starter?




Valid Volcano electronic cigarette coupon codes are:

volcodeES25 – 25% Off Volcano Express Kit

volcodeAF33 – 25% off the Volcano Disposable eCig

Volcano ecig produces serious clouds of vapor! Check this video out ;)


Here are some real Volcano ecig user reviews:



Click here to get your Volcano Ecig discount kit today!

Filed under Electronic Cigarette by on . 3 Comments#

Have you ever wondered if puffing vapor sticks can harm other people around?

Is there second and third hand smoke?

Are people around an e cig user smoking passively too?


Innokin Discloses New Scientific Research on Passive Smoking

In order to help smokers get a clearer concept of passive smoking, electronic cigarette manufacturer Innokin spent much time finding related scientific research documents. According to the new study by Siegel and Cohn, there are more than 10,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, including over 40 known carcinogens.

With respect to smokers, there is substantial and compelling scientific research documenting that consuming the ingredients in e-cigarettes (nicotine, propylene glycol, water and flavors) is vastly safer than burning tobacco and inhaling 3000+ toxic by-products. Claiming that e-cigarettes are dangerous for non-smokers is about as credible as claiming that air travel is dangerous for people who never set foot in an airplane.

And here’s what Professor Carl Phillips had to say about the subject in his paper named Nicotine Content in Exhaled Electronic Cigarette Vapor: "Nicotine is thought to be no more dangerous than coffee. While nicotine is addictive, it’s not responsible for 99% of the harm of smoking."

Scientists believe that nicotine carries around the same risk profile as a cup of coffee. But this does not really matter, because non-smokers absorb just as much nicotine from vegetables as they do from second-hand tobacco smoke:

Using limited data on nicotine content of foodstuffs (tea, tomato, potato, green pepper, and eggplant) and the 198991 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSDII), the absorbed dose of nicotine is shown to be significant compared to present day environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) nicotine exposures.

Therefore, Innokin encourages all smokers to try e cigarette. For those smokers who haven’t tried ecig yet, there are inexpensive disposable e cigarette brands on the market. Innokin also prepares many new e cigarette brands for new e-smokers, including such popular brands as Innokin LEO Pro, Innokin LEA Kross, Innokin LEA 800 and Innokin 510 T , cartomizer 2 piece electronic cigarette brands such as Innokin Noble, 510 Classic ,808D, and variable voltage e cigarette Innokin Infinity.

Original article can be found here.


I encourage you to stop inhaling thousands of chemicals found in tobacco smoke and give an e cigarette a try – or get one for your loved one!


To your good health,


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